Nothing could’ve prepared me for the shenanigans that my twelve-year-old beagle Roxy gets into when we head out for a few hours. Petcams have given us the ability to see what happens when we leave our best friends home alone.
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If you are a tech geek or are just a big nerd, here are 25 names for both doggos and doggettes that have a uniquely techy appeal. Some might require some explanation when you tell your friends, but that’s part of the fun!
Depending on which dog you ask, a trip to even the best dog groomers can either be as relaxing as a human spa day, or a scary ordeal. These dog groomers strut their stuff with not a scare in site.
For some reason, lists of awesome geeky names seem to be a little bit harder to come by for felines than canines. But we can fix that. We’ve come up with a list of geeky cat names for both male and female cats that have a unique appeal for the techie/sci-fi crowd.