posts with the tag

dog collars

Is an Invisible Dog Fence right for you?

Pet owners wanting to merge necessity with aesthetic have found a novel solution to keeping their best friends safely confined to the yards' confines...

Buying Guide: Best Dog Collar Subscriptions

If you are looking for trendy accessories that will make your dog look more fab, here's our round up of the best dog gift box subscriptions you should try.
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How can pet technology fit into your home décor?

With each new technology that emerges, we’re faced with the challenge of integrating it into the visual fabric of our lives. Do you face a similar challenge with pet technology home décor choices for your home?

Is an Invisible Dog Fence right for you?

Pet owners wanting to merge necessity with aesthetic have found a novel solution to keeping their best friends safely confined to the yards' confines...

50 Awesome Geeky Bunny Names

It's not easy to come up with a perfect name for your new pet bunny. This is especially true if you have a special affinity for all things having to do with technology or science-fiction. So here are 50 ideas that might help you to name your new pet bunny and make it stand out!